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v2018qr_EN_C_20036-2207-1001_1.pngRe-Certified as climate neutral!

Hamburg, June 2023; It is done again. APPLICATIO is re-certified as a climate neutral company for 2023! Climate neutrality means that the carbon footprint of APPLICATIO,  has been calculated on the basis of internationally recognised standards and balanced by supporting certified climate protection projects.
30_Jahre_-_v1.pngIn October 2023 the time has come: APPLICATIO celebrates its 30th anniversary. 
30 years of consulting and training worldwide - 30 years on the road in the context of development cooperation.

In these 30 years we have successfully implemented more than 480 projects, worked in more than 30 countries and welcomed more than 3000 participants in trainings. A reason to celebrate and a reason for another (at least) 30 years! 

Email_signature_-_Inaugural_Signatory_of_Charter.pngAPPLICATIO has committed itself to the "International Charter for Ethical Research Involving Children" (ERIC). Although not being directly involved in e.g. medical research, for APPLICATIO it is of importance to adhere to these principles with regard to e.g. project evaluations that - in case of projects in the sector of primary education, health, youth etc.  - can include collecting information from or about children as beneficiaries and stakeholders. 

leading-employers-2023.pngAPPLICATIO was - as in 2021 - elected as one of the top 1% employers in Germany and thus belongs to the best 1% of the "Leading Employers 2023. Since 2017, the RDA Institute has been conducting the meta-study LEADING EMPLOYERS and has thus created the most comprehensive employer study of its kind.

Klimaschutz-Allianz_Logo.pngAPPLICATIO supports Alliance for Development and Climate

Hamburg, October 2022; With immediate effect APPLICATIO is one of the supporters of the foundation "Alliance for Development and Climate". With this APPLICATIO strengthens its commitment (besides its own climate neutrality) regarding climate protection and the linking of its own work in development cooperation and climate protection. APPLICATIO is looking forward to the exchange and above all to further optimising its own work together with other supporters of the Alliance. 

v2018qr_EN_C_20036-2207-1001_1.pngCertified as climate neutral!

Hamburg, July 2022; It is done. APPLICATIO is certified as a climate neutral company! Climate neutrality means that the carbon footprint of a company, product, service or event has been calculated on the basis of internationally recognised standards and balanced by supporting certified climate protection projects.
ClimatePartner.pngAPPLICATIO on the way to climate neutrality
Hamburg, July 2022; APPLICATIO is on its way to climate neutrality... Climate neutral company, this means: APPLICATIO will record all its greenhouse gas emissions, continuously reduce them and have offset the unavoidable emissions through climate protection projects. Supported by ClimatePartner ( we are on our way to this goal...

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APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH
Frauenthal 8
20149 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 220 85 99
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 220 86 46

(c) APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH, 2021

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