According the dicactic basic understanding of APPLICATIO learning is a situational, active and socially embedded process that runs different for each person. This basic understanding of learning processes forms the basis for each workshop. The focus is on strengthening the problem-solving, action and change management skills (depending on the subject of the training and the needs of the participants).
Didactic principles in the workshop are:
- Participation: Learners and trainers are equal partners; the learning process is understood as a joint project of all parties, for its success all take responsibility.
- Diversity: The learning formats and methods enable the inclusion of the different levels, "head, heart and hand".
- Pratice orientation: A direct reference of the course content to the every day work of the participants is crucial. The practical application of acquired skills is in the foreground in the sense of improved action competence.
- Participant orientation: The specific design of the workshops is based on the previous knowledge, values, needs and interests of the participants.
- Tolerance: A climate of openness and partnership motivates learners and trainers and promotes mutual understanding and a willingness to participate.
- Transparency: APPLICATIO communicates openly and transparently with its partners and clients about the respective interests, and the setting of objectives, content, and conditions of cooperation.
With regard to didactic-methodologic methods, the programmes are oriented accordingly to the principles of adult education, i.e.
- Short impulse lectures should introduce the respective topic complex and impart the necessary basic knowledge; however, frontal teaching should be reduced to a minimum.
- Discussions about fundamentals lead to the practice of applying and testing of tools based on practical examples.
- Practice is based on case studies, so the results are applicable.
- Group works, presentations and discussions should take place especially after the lunch break, as often experienced the concentration for intense learning is lower in the afternoon.
- Work in the group and in the plenary play a central role, in which the trainers as moderators/facilitators steer the group.
- There should be adequate space be given for bilateral discussions (at least coach-participants, but also participant-participant).
Also central methodical-didactic basic principles for training implementation by APPLICATIO are:
- There will be an ongoing and intensive reference not only to the subjects on offer, but also to the specific situation and problems in the home countries of the participants.
- In conducting the seminars a wide range of different teaching methods with frequent variations will be used.