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APPLICATIO contracted by GIZ

GIZAPPLICATIO has been contracted by the newly founded Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on 16 January 2011 as one of the first Consultings after GIZ has only been founded on 1 January 2011 (see Palama E-Learning Development).

APPLICATIO wins CSR Mobility Award

CSR-Mobility AwardOn November 15, in total ten enterprises will be awarded the CSR Mobility Award 2010 in Frankfurt for their environmental friendly travel management The award is handed over for the second time already by the Magazine »The Mobility Manager« (DMM), the ecologic Traffic Club VCD and German task force for Environmental Friendly Management e.V. (B.A.U.M.). These organisations have developed this award under the slogan »Business Travel – regarding the Environment« in 2008.

APPLICATIO makes children laugh

123 Kinderlachen e.V. has been initiated to support projects and initiatives which make children laugh and joint them in their joy.

Logo.jpgHamburg, November 2008 - APPLICATIO signs the Charta of Diversity. The Charta of Diversity is an initiative of German enterprises to support diversity in companies in Germany. The Federal German Government supports the initiative and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel is the Patron.

Fair CompanyPPLICATIO has been certified as a Fair Company by "Junge Karriere" magazine. This certification is givenFair Company to companies respecting ethical standards in their work and those who that give alumni/young employees a chance.

CO2 neutral - our role in fighting climate change

AtmosfairWith immediate effect APPLICATIO donates the equivalent amount for the greenhouse gases which were caused by the flight used in course of international projects via atmosfair ( to projects worldwide. 

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APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH
Frauenthal 8
20149 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 220 85 99
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 220 86 46

(c) APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH, 2021

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