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A Successful and Challenging Year 2013 has Ended!

Hamburg/January 2014 - APPLICATIO looks back at a successful and exciting year 2013. In 2013 APPLICATIO has continued some of its 2012 projects and finalised some of these. In addition various new projects have started in new sectors and new partner countriesapplicatio_ohne.png.

APPLICATIO honoured by Mongolia

HAuszeichnung_WiMi_MN_web.jpgamburg/Ulaanbaatar, December 2013 - APPLICATIO has been working in various projects in Mongolia for many different organisations (such as CDG, InWEnt, GTZ, GIZ, EU, SEQU) since 1994 supporting mainly the SME sector. This work has now been honoured - also in celebration of the 20-year APPLICATIO anniversary by Mongolia.

Fund-Raining "20 Years APPLICATIO" a Success Story !

H20-jahre.pngamburg, December 2013 - In the frame of APPLICATIO 20th Aniversary, APPLICATIO initiated a fund-raising initiative for two projects. Namely a San/Bushman School in Namibia and a youth football project in Mongolia. The initiative has been closes as per December 15, 2013. Closed with a great success: A four digit amount has been made available for both projects.

Supporting Blind Children in School No. 116 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

School_6.jpgHamburg/Ulaanbaatar, October 2013 - APPLICATIO supported - and will keep on - supporting the blind children of School No. 6 in Ulaanbaatar of Mongolia. A first project - financed by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany has now been finalised with 24 new beds for the boarding home.

app_social-network.pngHamburg, October 2013. APPPLICATIO goes even more social and is now presenting project news, interesting updates, information on development cooperation as well as job-posts in almost all relevant social networks. In order to stay updated, users, friends, colleagues, experts and clients can find information about APPLICATIO's work - with weekly updates - throughout the web. 


mmb-MonitorHamburg/Essen, October 2012. The "mmb-Monitor E-Learning 2012" shows a new record in total turnrover within the E-Learning sector and for the first time lists APPLICATIO amongst the top-30 in the sector... very promising, taking into consideration APPLICATIO's specialisation in international development projects.

Aktion SonnensternHamburg/Windhoek, December 2012. APPLICATIO supports the "Aktion Sonnenstern" of HitRadio Namibia - being one of APPLICATIO's focal countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. "Aktion Sonnenstern" is a charity initiative of  Hitradio Namibia.It has been executed for the first time from 1st through 23rd December 2012. In total 240,000 Namibia Dollar were donated. 


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APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH
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20149 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 220 85 99
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 220 86 46

(c) APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH, 2021

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