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New Strategic Partnership

rootsfactroysmweb.pngHamburg, April 2016. APPLICATIO works together with partners worldwide in several projects in a continuous basis. Since April 2016 a new strategic partnership was added and resulted in a first joint project. APPLICATIO joined forces with "rootsfactory" (Sonja Andjelkovic; and will intensify this strategic partnership in future.

APPLICATIO wind Consulting Award 2015
HCC2.pngHamburg, November 2015. Hamburg, July 2015. APPLICATIO participated for the first time since 2008 again in the Hamburg Consulting Award and has won the first price directly. Vice-President of the Camber of Commerce in Hamburg, Christina Jagdmann, handed over the award on November 6, 2015 to APPLICATIO Management & Training GmbH. The jury was exeplicily impressed by the sustainability approaches used in the porject to develop capacities for policy development in REDD+ (Reduction of Emission through Deforestation and Forest Degradation) . The Jury further awarded two second prices to AS(S) Unternehmensberatung GmbH and  Faktenkontor GmbH.


APPLICATIO nominated for second round
hcp.pngHamburg, July 2015. APPLICATIO for the first time since 2008 participated again in the Hamburg Consulting Award and has been nominated for the second round. The Hamburg Consulting Award (Hamburger Consultingpreise) is initiated by the Hamburg Consulting Club e.V. and the Chamber of Commerce of Hamburg every second year and includes a three-step selection process. It is till along way to the awarding ceremony on November 6, 2015 during the "Cluster Forurm Consulting" in Hamburg, however, APPLICATIO already regards the nomination for the second round as a success as its application is based on a typical development cooperation project which most probably will be totally different form all other applications of classical consulting in Hamburg.   

APPLICATIO supports Book Challenge in Mongolia

10473190_958799217487909_5960760129449552681_n.jpgHamburg, March 2015. APPLICATIO supports the initiative "Book Challenge" in Mongolia. In the frame of the initiative books are collected to support learning and development of the youth in the Uvs Province (in the North-West) of Mongolia. Each participant is challenged to donate books - new or second hand - and at the same time challenge two other individuals or organisations to participate as well and donate and challenge the next two.

APPLICATIO web-site is climate neutral!

Ikone_CO2_neutrale_Webseite_English.pngHamburg, October 2014. As of November 1, 2014 the web-site of APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH is climate neutral. APPLICATIO entered into a partnership with, an initiative that describes itself as a global climate project. More than 2500 companies from all over the world have joint the initiative so far.

With this new approach APPLICATIO adheres to its responsibility for our environment - and further supports - already for years APPLICATIO is neutralising international flights of its staff via atmosfair - protection of natural resources in order to ensure sustainable living conditions in our one world.

APPLICATIO is engaged in numerous climate projects e.g. in the field of REDD+ or transboundary water management and thus feels that joining such an initiative is only a logic consequence!

applicatio_ohne.pngHamburg/August 2014 - APPLICATIO publishes it Code-of-Conduct and its Environmental Policy. These have been developed to draw attention to the immense responsibility of consulting enterprises in development co-operation and every individual for sustainable development and environmental protection.

Karin Spieler to support the APPLICATIO-Team!

spieler_k.jpgHamburg/January 2014 - APPLICATIO welcomes Karin Spieler who joins the APPLICATIO-Team as of January 15, 2014. She is responsible for the APPLICATIO Seminar Centre. In addition she will support projects and experts logistically and support the general administration due to the increasing number of projects. 

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APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH
Frauenthal 8
20149 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 220 85 99
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 220 86 46

(c) APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH, 2021

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