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APPLICATIO member of Deutsch-Mongolsicher Unternehmerverband (DMUV)

DMUVHamburg/Ulaanbaatar, August 2012 - APPLICATIO ist now a member of the Deutsch-Mongolischer Unternehmerverband (German-Mongolian Entrepreneur Association)(DMUV) and further tightens its relationship to Mongolia. 

APPLICATIO-Girls win Soccer Tournament

JugendfussballHamburg/Ulaanbaatar, March 2012 - APPLICATIO supports the Youth Teams of the UB-United Soccer Club since September 2011 as main sponsor. In März 2012 the APPLICATIO- supported Girls' team won a large tournament.

Representatives' Office in Namibia

jalaHamburg/Windhoek, März 2012 - Since mid of March 2012 APPLICATIO has a new representatives' office in Namibia run in cooperation with jala Ventures Namibia (JVN). JVN offers the whole APPLICATIO-Portfolio and in addition specialist offers for Namibia and the SADC.

Own a Color

Own a ColorHamburg, January 2012 - APPLICATIO supports the initiative "Own a Color" of UNICEF that supports children around the world. With 16.7 Mio. colours (on an average computer) and only 1 Pound of support per colour every donation makes a difference.


Network of HIV/ADIS Partners

AWiSAHamburg/Pretoria, November 2011 - APPLICATIO joines the AWiSA Network (HIV/AIDS in the Workplace in Southern Africa) and supports the initiative founded by GIZ.

Support to Younf Soccer Players in Mongolia

JugendfussballHamburg/Ulaanbaatar, Sepemeber 2011 - APPLICATIO supports since beginning of September the young players' team of UB United in Ulaanbaatar/Mongolia as main sponsor.


APPLICATIO contributes to L3T

L3THamburg, Januar 2011 - APPLICATIO contributes one chapter to the new (German language) book "Learning and Teaching with Technologies " (L3T) and thus participantes in the development of the first such book ever.

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APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH
Frauenthal 8
20149 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 220 85 99
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 220 86 46

(c) APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH, 2021

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