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New strategic partnership: Akompanilogo_small.png

Hamburg, May 2022. APPLICATIO regularly cooperates with partners worldwide in projects. Now a new strategic partnership has been added. APPLICATIO bundled its experience and offers with Akompani Ltd. (, Eva Kirch and Jan Frölich and will expand this strategic partnership in the future. Currently APPLICATIO is already implementing larger projects in the field of training with the experts from Akompani.

SILVER_LEVEL.pngAPPLICATIO was awarded the Silver-Level by the Digital Impact Alliance at the United Nations Foundation as a supporter of the "Principles for Digitals Development". This means that APPLICATIO is one of 42 awarded companies (23 Silver and 19 Gold) out of more than 270 supporters in total.  The activities on the silver level refer to an active engagement with the principles aiming at the adoption of the principles and the creation of a corresponding organisational culture. 

online.pngWe, at APPLICATIO, have now - since COVID-19 stopped face-to-face personal meetings - facilitated well over 25 larger conferences and online events online (between 50 and 120 participants) and well over 50 smaller meetings. Read more about some and only brief insights into our experiences made with tools, methods, and approaches...

curruculum gobaleAPPLICATIO is committed to lifelong learning and modern, contemporary principles and methods of adult education. APPLICATIO will use the Curriculum GlobALE as guiding principles and guidelines in the future and will apply the contents of the Curriculum GlobALE and its methods in all Adult Education measures carried out and offered and base all offers for training trainers and supporting Adult Educators on the Curriculum GlobALE. This is also visually indicated by the reference to Curriculum GlobALE. (Curriculum GlobALE is published under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) licence).

Leading_Employer_2021.pngAPPLICATIO has been elected by the Institute of Research & Data Aggregation GmbH ( as one of the Top 1% Employers in Germany and therefore belongs to the best 1% of "Leading Employers 2021". The certification is based on "recognition of holistically leading employer quality in the areas of employee offers and satisfaction, health management, understanding of values, talent communication and image. For the analysis, employers were evaluated on the basis of 200 international sources.  


iMove_eXport_2-2020.pngxPORT is the Export-Magazine of iMOVE - "Training Made in Germany". Issue 2/2020 focuses on "Incoming /Outgoing - The best place for Export of Education". As already in issue 1/2020, APPLICATIO contributed to the interesting publication of iMOVE. In this case two articles by APPLICATIO experts on "Please speak slowly - Experiences as Incoming Participant and Trainer" (by Gerelchimeg Chuluunbaatar-Trede) and "Incoming/Outgoing - Advantages and Disadvantages of both Options" (by Thorsten Trede) can be found in the booklet. 


Hackathon_slogan_weiß.pngTogether with civil society, the German Federal Government is looking for solutions in the digital space to challenges related to the corona virus. From March 20, 2020 on for 48 hours APPLICATIO participates in the activity to develop digital solutions to support the current crisis situation. A really exciting action with more than 42.000 participants to which you can actively contribute but also learn a lot for your own digital work and project support. 

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APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH
Frauenthal 8
20149 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 220 85 99
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 220 86 46

(c) APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH, 2021

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