APPLICATIO has been commissioned by the AFOS Foundation for Entrepreneurial Development Cooperation (AFOS Foundation) to conduct a project appraisal and to support the project application to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). APPLICATIO will plan and carry out a virtual appraisal mission to Zimbabwe and submit a project planning in the subsequent appraisal report. This is the first assignment by the AFOS Foundation.
Fact-Finding for AFOS-Foundation
These are projects funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) within the framework of cooperation with the private sector. The aim is to combat poverty by promoting sustainable economic development and more employment in the partner countries. In the projects, companies, associations and their institutions and educational institutions act as project cooperation partners.
Zimbabwe: The project focuses on building the capacity of training institutions to improve the training of smallholder family groups (e.g. in environmentally friendly cultivation of export-oriented agricultural products and in certification standards) and to support them in finding promising marketing options. The project aims to promote knowledge transfer based on cooperation and empowerment, which benefits women in particular.