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Own A Color (UNICEF)

Own a Color

Own a ColorHamburg, January 2012 - APPLICATIO supports the initiative "Own a Color" of UNICEF that supports children around the world. With 16.7 Mio. colours (on an average computer) and only 1 Pound of support per colour every donation makes a difference.


The campaign aims to raise 16.7 million for UNICEF’s ongoing and upcoming projects and has received generous support from notable celebrities, such as Jemima Khan (CFC Blue), Duncan Bannatyne (Scottish Saltire Blue) and Sir Roger Moore (Swedish Blue)

It is easy to join: Vitis, select a colour, give it a name and donate form 1 Pound upward. Save a life and support UNICEF worldwide... APPLICATIO joined in!

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APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH
Frauenthal 8
20149 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 220 85 99
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 220 86 46

(c) APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH, 2021