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glenn-carstens-peters-npxXWgQ33ZQ-unsplash.jpgAPPLICATIO has been contracted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to conduct online trainings on GIZ's own IT solution "OnSITE Operations" in 2022 and 2023 (with option for 2024) to support GIZ staff and expert teams in using the digital application for project management worldwide. Within the scope of the contract APPLICATIO and its team of experts will provide online trainings in German, English, French and Spanish. 

sn.pngAPPLICATIO was commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to develop a Theory-of-Change on the impact of GIZ's sector networks worldwide. The work of the sector networks (SN) is increasingly becoming the focus of the "effectiveness debate" (e.g. BMZ 2030). At present, the SNs work as knowledge management platforms (networks / communities of practice) at the activity level. In this context, impact assumptions and the results chain between activities and goals of the SN work (defined in the orientation framework) often remain unclear. The Theory-of-Change is intended to illustrate these interrelationships and make proposals for measuring impact.

giz.jpgAPPLICATIO has been commissioned by the Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) of Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) within a framework agreement with the planning and implementation of training courses around CapacityWORKS - the management model of German Development Cooperation - worldwide, both virtually and in presence.  The courses are aimed at GIZ employees who are responsible for the management and change processes of projects and external persons (experts and employees of the consulting industry working for GIZ) who provide support.  (Grachics:

bsc4dev.jpgAPPLICATIO has been contracted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) gGmbH to support the organisational development process of the programme "Business Scouts for Development". Within the scope of the contract APPLICATIO will support the GIZ in steering and processual monitoring of the OE process, advise and coach executives, offer consultations on strategic planning or facilitate various workshops and team-building events. (Graphic: (c) GIZ)

Evaluierungspolicy GIZ.PNGAPPLICATIO has been selected by the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH" as a member for different pools for central project evaluations and will support central, external evaluations of GIZ projects for 24 months. APPLICATIO has been admitted to the pools for the topics of "Education" and "Climate, Environment, Resource Management". (Graphics: (c) GIZ)

P4R_Logo.jpgAPPLICATIO has been commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with an interim evaluation within the framework of the project "Partners for Review" (P4R). In the context of partner surveys it will be evaluated to what extent the discussions and learning exchange in the "Partners for Review Network" has improved the quality of the national SDG processes.

eleanring.jpgAPPLICATIO was commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH to develop an e-Leanirng course on "Measuring Employment Effects and the Use of M&E Results in Project Management and Planning". The course is aimed both at the monitoring and evaluation staff of GIZ projects whose interventions generate employment effects and at the planning officers within the FMB who plan and advise such projects.

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APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH
Frauenthal 8
20149 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0)40 - 220 85 99
Fax: +49 (0)40 - 220 86 46

(c) APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH, 2021

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